CBD Wax with enails

CBD Wax with enails

710 Life eNail Super Mario Bros Honeycomb Limited Edition

710 Life eNail Super Mario Bros Honeycomb Limited Edition

CBD Wax with Enails

As an easy option to consume many products, enails work well with CBD wax as well. By raising the temperature to the most optimal heat that will ignite compounds like CBD wax without vaporizing harmful sediments that are left over from almost any manufacturing method to produce CBD wax. CBD wax is a relatively new option on the market to consume CBD to help with pain and mental health issues.

Many people dealing with pain and mental health issues like anxiety use CBD today. CBD is the 100% legal in the United States derivative of the hemp plant. While effects are similiar to those of it’s illegal counterpart there is more of a pain relief effect with none of the head feelings associated with the other.

CBD in many studies has been found to be more effective than it’s cousin THC, especially since there is no anxiety caused by CBD. In many cases THC users stated that CBD was the better option for pain management for their specific disorder or issue.

How to Consume CBD Wax with an Enail?

In order to medicate safely, it’s advised that you start out with small amounts of CBD. It’s important to get dosing correct, especially because your body can only digest around 5 milligrams of CBD an hour anyway. Overdosing of CBD causes no negative effects but also ingesting or smoking more CBD will do nothing really after the first initial 5 milligrams of CBD .

Take a small amount, as close to the 5 milligrams as you can get if your pain or issue is severe. Place the CBD wax onto an applicator. Applicator should be metal with a sharp point to scrape a small amount of wax onto your tool of choice. With your lungs primed to take the hit swirl your aplicator into your piece to be heated by the enail element.


Why Chose An Enail Instead of Butane?

While on average the recommended temperature for the inhalation of wax in general is in the range of 800 to 1250 degrees Fahrenheight, a butane torch will heat your elements over 1700 degrees Fahrenheight.  In order to keep from smoking the sediments in your mixture, you’ll want the ability to monitor the temperature in order for a more healthy smoke than you’d get with butane.

Overall, butane is a cheap and easy way to hurt yourself and add toxins and co2 to the air you breathe. By using our state of the art enails you have a safer and more healthy option to consume things like CBD wax. We hope you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment below if you did and we’ll be producing more articles like this soon!


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Tags: Best way to consume CBD, CBD, CBD choices, CBD Enail, CBD Oil, enail
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